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- The price of beer is going up.
- I have a headache.
- It’s still not nice outside.
- Tasks/Unread Journals don’t work properly in UAT.
- The Donald aka The Supreme Cheetoh.
- Symantec not knowing how to do their job.
- No more STC.
- TSX isn’t going up.
- It’s windy out.
- It’s cloudy today.
- IP changed for website.
- My back hurts.
- CAD-USD conversion rate is terrible.
- We have to use Lotus Notes.
- Climate Change.
- HP doesn’t understand basic service.
- HP has no idea how to run a business.
- HP “technicians” don’t know how their own devices work.
- Mad Catz filed for bankruptcy.
- ePO agent isn’t working on Windows 10.
- This floor is very warm.
- Tiger doesn’t know how to not hurt himself golfing.
- Tony Romo is going to retire.
- 45K of lettuce taken in Hamilton.
- The weather is too lousy for golf.
- I had to revert my VM.